The preferred format consists of two components: the logomark and the logotype. These two components are always placed in a fixed relationship and should never be redrawn or modified in any way.

Preferred Configuration
In the preferred configuration, the logomark and logotype are centered vertically. This is the arrangement of choice for most applications. For other options, see “Configurations”.

Logo Colors
The logo colors are Regent Red and Platinum Gray. Regent Red was selected as the logo’s lead color because it delivers a message of strength, innovation and leadership. It has a commanding presence and is a classic, timeless color.
In the preferred format, the logomark and Tier 2 logotype are shown in Regent Red, and Loma Linda University and the keyline are shown in Platinum Gray.

Children’s Hospital
When the logo is used to represent only Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, the Children’s logomark is incorporated as shown. The preferred format for this logo application uses four colors from the palette (PMS 301, 327, 527 and 121), in addition to Regent Red.