For the body of a letter, the serif typefaces — Adobe Jenson Pro and Palatino — are preferable to the sans serif options. (Perpetua Standard is not to be used for body copy.) The type may be set in either 11 or 12 points, single spaced (Auto Leading).

Paragraphs are preceded by one blank line and are not indented.


  • Top: 2½" (2.5 inches)
  • Left, right and bottom: 1¼" (1.25 inches)

Second Sheets
Corresponding unprinted stock for letters of more than one page is available through Digital Production Ink. All four margins on the second sheet should be 1¼” (1.25 inches).

One-color Printing
When the letterhead must be printed in one color, that color should be black, with the entire logo and footer run in 77% black (Platinum Gray).

Order letterhead and corresponding second sheet stock through Digital Production Ink. You may place your order by calling 909-558-4552. Allow at least two weeks for processing.