The quick facts callout is used to highlight three facts/figures in the content section of a page.

Edit View

Navigate to the in-content callouts. Choose "Quick facts" from the dropdown and click the "Add another Callout" button.

The following fields will appear. Click the "Add Quick Fact" button for each of the three facts and add in the information you want to display.

Example blank quick fact fields.

Example filled out quick facts. Note that you do not want to add too much text in the fields. In the number field you want to add a very short number or text string.

Once you've finished adding in all the content you'd like into the fields scroll to the bottom of the edit window and click the bottom-left button labeled Save.

Character Limits

Note: for the description field you want to make sure that the words do not take up more than two lines. Character limits may vary depending on word length and character size.

Text Field Character Limit
Number 6
Description 45