The HTML email template includes components similar to those available in our web theme. It has been thoroughly tested to ensure proper display across all email clients. If you are interested in using this template, please contact a Web Center team member.

Gradient Colors

Gradient Background Button border Off white text 1 Off white text 2
 Red #b02a44 #c45f73 #e9c4cb #f5e5e8
 Purple #394380 #6b72a0 #c8cbdc #e7e8f0
 Forest #4e787a #7a9a9b #ced9da #e9efef
 Green #3a6f4d #6b937a #c8d7cd #e7ede9
 Orange #d0651f #dc8c57 #f2d4c1 #f9ece4
 Blue #2f8d97 #63aab1 #c5dfe2 #e6f1f2
 CH Red #bb244a #cc5b77 #ebbec9 #f7e4e9
 CH Blue #1a64a3 #538bba #bbd1e4 #e3ecf4
 CH Green #02857e #41a49e #b4dbd9 #e0f0ef
 CH Purple #552e78 #80629a #ccc1d7 #eae6ef

Engage your audience by delivering relevant messaging through email.