High quality photos are critical to creating genuine and authentic Loma Linda University Health communications. Follow the guidelines below to ensure your photography captivates your audience.

Correct Usage


Avoid photos that seem posed and unnatural.

Subject Focused

Focus on the subject and not the surroundings.

Clutter Free

Avoid using photos that are over-complicated or cluttered.

Current Technology

Ensure your images are relevant and up-to-date.

Incorrect Usage

Clichéd Imagery

Avoid using clichéd metaphorical imagery.

Special Effects

Avoid using images with special effects or text.

Original vs. Stock Photography

Whenever possible, use original Loma Linda University Health imagery to add to the authenticity of our story and develop the visual strength of our brand.

Please use Getty Images for any stock photography needs.


The students, faculty, alumni, patients, and employees of Loma Linda University Health come from diverse backgrounds. Choose imagery that reflects this diversity and try to capture a balance on each page.

Event Imagery

Photography or illustration that works well in a 16:9 aspect ratio is best for event imagery. Avoid adding event details (text) to the image since a title, date and location will be displayed anywhere an event is promoted.

Provider Portrait Guidelines

Follow these guidelines in order to optimize presentation of provider portrait photography:

  • Business attire
  • Friendly facial expression
  • Shoulders rotated slightly away from camera but provider facing camera.
  • Consistent background (textured background preferred)
  • Consistent cropping style

Photography is one of our most widely used and influential brand assets.