Look 17 is a new look and feel for our websites that is tailored to the needs of our prospective students, faculty, alumni, patients and other key audiences. The new design has been created to enhance the user experience, while beginning to highlight the unique stories of our organization. The Web Center will begin working with academic sites first, followed by health care sites.
When will the upgrade begin?
We are targeting this summer. Your business analyst (BA) will contact you in the next few days to schedule the first of several sessions.
How will Look 17 upgrade process impact me?
Your input/collaboration will be instrumental to the success of Look 17. Your BA will schedule several sessions with you to discuss your school’s priorities, content strategy, navigational structure and keep you updated on your site’s progress throughout the upgrade.
How will my site and content change in Look 17?
Your school site’s main navigation will be updated to reflect core standardized elements that your user’s data has shown to be more aligned with their site activity.
Each school site will have a new updated homepage with standardized core elements. There will be some flexibility to incorporate school specific needs within the new template offerings. You will work with your BA to identify these needs.
All your content on the site will be upgraded into the Look 17 and evolve with your identified business and user goals in the future.